The home build process can be long and strenuous. Once you have decided where you want to buy and when, you then have to figure out exactly what you are going to build. Should the house be two stories or one story? How tall do you want your ceilings? Are you going to wish you had expanded the garage? These are all questions that may come up in the home build process. When building a home, you can spend hours trying to figure out your perfect plans and still end up making the wrong decision– but you might not even know it until after you have seen your plans come to life. Authenticus helps you save time on your home build process by giving you various ways to authenticate your plans and see them come to life before your house is actually built.
That’s Not Quite How We Envisioned It
A common issue when building from scratch arises after the foundation is set and the walls are built. Perhaps you spend time visiting your new home throughout the build process and notice that, though progress is being made, the sizes of the room are not shaping up exactly as you had imagined them. From here, you may have to go back to your builders and request changes to the dimensions of your build plans. This extends what is already a very long build process as what has already been built has to be taken down and new adjustments have to be made. With Authenticus, you can see your plans come to life in 2D, 3D, mixed reality, or augmented reality experiences, so the first time you see and check your plans is not on your actual home build.
What Do you Mean my Must-have Couch Doesn’t Fit?
While moving into a new build can be very exciting due to the options to customize your new home build, there are some things that you know you want to come with you from your current place to your new build. Certain pieces of furniture you already own may be a very big statement piece in your new home. To move this furniture all the way to your completed home build only to find out it does not fit in the space or it does not fit in the space exactly as you’d imagine it can be very disappointing. We can work with you to verify and ensure the statement pieces you want to come with you to your new home will fit correctly and can save the time spent moving and the time spent reimagining, or even rebuilding, a living room to accommodate that furniture.
That Backsplash Really Clashes
More than just a tool for the physical build of your home, Authernicus’ home Selections Visualizer allows you to compare and place various products in a virtual room so you can check and see what it would look like with the other pieces you have already picked out. Perhaps you have your heart set on deep brown kitchen cabinets and you pick a chic backsplash pattern to go with them. You don’t want to realize your backsplash doesn’t compliment your cabinets in the way you’d like it to when the cabinets and the backsplash are already up! To tear down the backsplash, pick a new backsplash, and install the new backsplash will require a lot of time and this will delay the completion of your home build.
Authenticus Inc. can help you save time on your home build process. By working with us, you can authenticate your home build plans to ensure your build will turn out exactly as you envision it in your head– and not just how it appears on paper. Don’t let your actual home build be the first time you check and see if your plans are what they want; instead, authenticate your plans with Authenticus! Contact us today to learn more about how you can save time on your home build!